Thursday, December 31, 2009
The next Catmobile date will be January 26, 2010. Please click on the Events link to the right for more information.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lost dog- Saugus
Lost Monday, December 28, at the edge of Breakheart Reservation near Main St., Saugus. M/N shepherd mix, brown and tan, about 50 pounds, green collar with stars on it and a Boston license. DOG FOUND!
lost and found,
lost dog
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Story of Jade

On the afternoon of Sunday, November 29, I got a call from the Police Department that a cat had been hit by a car on West Wyoming Avenue but was still alive. Since I was about 20 minutes away, I asked if there was anyone else who could get the cat to a vet sooner. One of the officers volunteered. This rather gruff and tough officer, who would probably be embarrassed if his name was mentioned here, is a true animal lover. He tucked the kitten under his arm and drove her to Massachusetts Veterinary Referral Hospital in Woburn.
While I searched for her owner, MVRH stabilized her and kept her comfortable. Her injuries were extensive: numerous fractures of her jaw and pelvis and a shattered rear leg. After two days, when nobody had stepped forward to claim her, we had no more time to wait. She needed surgery soon. I started phoning and emailing all the animal rescue groups I could, looking for donations for her care.
The response was amazing. MVRH donated hundreds of dollars worth of care in order to keep her bill as small as possible. Every single group I approached gave a donation. In the meantime, MVRH continued to give her the best care possible, just as though she was a loved pet owned by a paying client, and not a homeless stray. She turned out to be a lovely affectionate kitten, and soon won the hearts of MVRH staff.
For a day or two, it looked like her injuries might be too extensive for her to be saved, but little Jade has a strong will and she rallied. Unfortunately her left rear leg was so badly damaged that it had to be amputated. However, cats have amazing recuperative powers and as of this writing, Jade has already learned to get around very well on three legs.
I would like to thank the many groups and individuals who have helped Jade. A huge thank you goes to MVRH for their excellent care and compassion toward this little homeless creature. Many groups, and several anonymous individuals, donated funds: Melrose Humane Society, the Animal Relief Fund, MassPAWS, Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, and MVMA Charities.
Soon Jade will be ready to have her own home and family. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” All the caring and generosity shown by people for this little scrap of life proves to me that there is true greatness to be found everywhere we look.
As a final note, I will share the moment that finally brought tears to my eyes in the story of this little cat. I was on the phone with the MVRH hospital manager making arrangements for paying Jade’s bill, and as we were finishing our conversation she actually thanked me for giving the hospital a chance to help Jade!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Found Kitten

Found November 29th on West Wyoming between Cottage and Trenton, grey shorthaired female kitten, approx. 4 months old, slim build, extra toes on front and back feet. No collar or microchip. This kitten was hit by a car and injured but will recover.
found cat,
lost and found,
rescue stories
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Two dogs found in Melrose

Both dogs found Wednesday, November 11.
-Pitbull puppy, 7-8 months old, intact male, white with brindle spots, found on Fellsway. "Oakley" has gone to Pittie Love Rescue
-Dashchund/chihuahua/minpin mix, young adult, brown, about 10-12 pounds, intact male, found on Windsor St.
It is especially important that I contact the owner of the small dog to find out his rabies vaccine status- owner does not have to take the dog back, no other questions asked.
found dog,
lost and found
Monday, November 9, 2009
Found dog
Saturday, November 7, on Lynn Fells Parkway, black and white Papillon, intact male. Photo to be added shortly. Owner Found!
found dog,
lost and found
Friday, October 30, 2009
Update and clarification on some green dog issues
Hello all, just some clarification on some of the questions surrounding this issue. Mainly I will repeat what I said at the public meeting on October 15th, with some additional info.
The purpose of the public meeting was to begin the conversation about off-leash hours at the parks. This will be a lengthy process, and starting the public conversation is just the beginning. At the meeting, I had said that the Parks Commission would likely be voting on this issue at the end of October or beginning of November.
At the meeting, and since then, the question came up as to whether the Parks Commission has the authority to allow a trial of off-leash hours. This question has been posed to the City Solicitor, who has responded after reviewing the ordinance. The ordinance as it is currently written does not allow the Parks Commission to allow off-leash use. Any changes to the ordinance would require a vote by the Aldermen. Then if the ordinance was changed, the Parks Commission could allow usage of particular parks.
This changes the timeline of this process, if it does indeed go forward. Whether the green dog option continues forward at this time is up to the citizen group which is working on the proposal, the Melrose Dog Society. The Health Department/Canine Control office's role in the process is to facilitate the process, by hosting meetings and this blog, and providing technical assistance.
There have been concerns voiced about how well the 10/15 meeting was publicized. The meeting was posted in both papers and on cable, and flyers were distributed in several locations. There had been plans to post more flyers around the neighborhoods, but unfortunately there was a miscommunication about who would handle this job, for which I take responsibility. This is one reason that I opened the blog up to this discussion, to provide an additional venue for discussion. Before any sort of vote is taken I will make sure that the info is publicized.
In terms of enforcement, I agree that more enforcement is needed. I have been trying to work different shifts in order to arrive at the parks during the early or late hours. However, I can only spread 30 hours so far, and I do have other duties which I need to handle. We are beginning to discuss this with the police department to get additional enforcement assistance.
Lastly, though the green dog proposal remains controversial, I did notice a lot of additional support for the concept of a dedicated, separate dog park. Anyone interested in working on this should contact Melrose Dog Society and offer to help.
I will try to post more next week, after the citizens who are working on this project have had a chance to decide what their next steps are. I'm sure many of you have participated in a public process like this before, and understand how much work is involved. Please continue to be respectful of each other as we go through this process. Thanks! -Diane
The purpose of the public meeting was to begin the conversation about off-leash hours at the parks. This will be a lengthy process, and starting the public conversation is just the beginning. At the meeting, I had said that the Parks Commission would likely be voting on this issue at the end of October or beginning of November.
At the meeting, and since then, the question came up as to whether the Parks Commission has the authority to allow a trial of off-leash hours. This question has been posed to the City Solicitor, who has responded after reviewing the ordinance. The ordinance as it is currently written does not allow the Parks Commission to allow off-leash use. Any changes to the ordinance would require a vote by the Aldermen. Then if the ordinance was changed, the Parks Commission could allow usage of particular parks.
This changes the timeline of this process, if it does indeed go forward. Whether the green dog option continues forward at this time is up to the citizen group which is working on the proposal, the Melrose Dog Society. The Health Department/Canine Control office's role in the process is to facilitate the process, by hosting meetings and this blog, and providing technical assistance.
There have been concerns voiced about how well the 10/15 meeting was publicized. The meeting was posted in both papers and on cable, and flyers were distributed in several locations. There had been plans to post more flyers around the neighborhoods, but unfortunately there was a miscommunication about who would handle this job, for which I take responsibility. This is one reason that I opened the blog up to this discussion, to provide an additional venue for discussion. Before any sort of vote is taken I will make sure that the info is publicized.
In terms of enforcement, I agree that more enforcement is needed. I have been trying to work different shifts in order to arrive at the parks during the early or late hours. However, I can only spread 30 hours so far, and I do have other duties which I need to handle. We are beginning to discuss this with the police department to get additional enforcement assistance.
Lastly, though the green dog proposal remains controversial, I did notice a lot of additional support for the concept of a dedicated, separate dog park. Anyone interested in working on this should contact Melrose Dog Society and offer to help.
I will try to post more next week, after the citizens who are working on this project have had a chance to decide what their next steps are. I'm sure many of you have participated in a public process like this before, and understand how much work is involved. Please continue to be respectful of each other as we go through this process. Thanks! -Diane
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Melrose dog needs a new home
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thank you for a great public meeting last night
Last night's public meeting on the Green Dog off-leash hours proposal was very productive. 56 people attended, and many got up to speak for or against the proposal. I will post a summary of the notes taken as soon as it's available. I was extremely impressed with the respectful behavior of everyone who attended. Although people had very strong feelings on the subject, they were able to be courteous, and this really facilitated a great discussion.
All input will be forwarded to the Parks Commission to aid them in deciding whether to allow a trial of this proposal. We are still collecting public input from anyone who was not able to attend last night's meeting. Please feel free to email me: or Joan Bell: or post comments on this blog.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE SIGN YOUR POSTS! Part of the reason last night's meeting went so well was that people spoke face to face, acknowledging that they were having a conversation with neighbors and fellow citizens. On an online forum, anonymity can cause people to forget to be respectful. Also, although we are not strictly counting numbers of for/against comments, if people are not signing their posts it is hard to tell whether 10 citizens are posting or 1 citizen is posting 10 times. Thank you for your input! -Diane Kurkjian
All input will be forwarded to the Parks Commission to aid them in deciding whether to allow a trial of this proposal. We are still collecting public input from anyone who was not able to attend last night's meeting. Please feel free to email me: or Joan Bell: or post comments on this blog.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE SIGN YOUR POSTS! Part of the reason last night's meeting went so well was that people spoke face to face, acknowledging that they were having a conversation with neighbors and fellow citizens. On an online forum, anonymity can cause people to forget to be respectful. Also, although we are not strictly counting numbers of for/against comments, if people are not signing their posts it is hard to tell whether 10 citizens are posting or 1 citizen is posting 10 times. Thank you for your input! -Diane Kurkjian
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
October Lost Pets
- October 5- neutered male medium-haired cat, black and white, no collar, Dartmouth Rd. area.
- October 6- neutered male short-haired cat, black and white tuxedo markings, Vinton/LFP .FOUND!
- October 11- male Ragdoll cat (long-haired), grey and white.
- October 19- female short-haired cat, dilute calico with white nose, chest and paws, no collar. Wentworth Rd. FOUND!
lost and found,
lost cat
Monday, October 12, 2009
Melrose Green Dog Proposal- public meeting October 15th
Green Dog is a program which has been used in other cities like Melrose, where open space is limited. The Green Dog Program allows specific hours and locations for dog owners to allow their dogs off leash in designated city parks.
The Melrose Dog Society is a citizen group which was formed this year to work toward recreation options for dog owners. Please click the link in the right sidebar to get more information on Melrose Dog Society (MDS). The MDS has been working closely with the Melrose Parks Department and Melrose Canine Control to develop a draft Green Dog Proposal.PUBLIC MEETING- PROPOSED OFF-LEASH HOURSWhen: Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Where: Melrose City Hall
Aldermanic Chamber, main floor
562 Main St.
FMI: Diane Kurkjian
The purpose of this meeting will be to present a proposal to allow a trial of legal off-leash hours for dogs at the following parks: Melrose Common, Hesseltine Field and Franklin Field. Public comments will be collected to aid the Parks Commission in voting on this matter at a future date.
The Green Dog Program of Melrose could be an innovative approach to meeting our dogs’ and dog owners’ desire to have time off-leash, while sharing the spaces seamlessly with other park users in our urban community. Pending approval, the City of Melrose would conduct a pilot program at three off-leash areas across the city, with specific off-leash hours established by the Melrose Parks Commission. Dog owners are allowed to play with and train their dogs off-leash during these designated times following the program criteria and rules. The pilot program will begin on DATE and will be reassessed by the Parks Commission on DATE. The Melrose Canine Officer will monitor compliance with the Green Dogs criteria and rules, and prepare an assessment at the end of the pilot program for the Melrose Parks Commission.
The City of Melrose and the Melrose Dog Society will help promote a successful dog program. Each Green Dog Park will have a liaison that will:
· Promote, enlist and encourage others to promote a successful program.
· Answer questions and attempt to resolve issues.
· Receive and forward comments, complaints, unresolved issues, suggestions and general information from dog walkers and abutters to the Melrose Canine Control Officer and Melrose Dog Society. See contacts below.
· Report abuses to the Melrose Canine Control Officer and Melrose Dog Society.
To help ensure that our residents, visitors and dogs enjoy a quality experience, participants must meet these criteria and follow these rules. Failure to comply may jeopardize the Green Dog Program.
I. Criteria:
1. Aggressive dogs are not permitted on or off-leash.
2. Dogs must be at least four months old to participate in the program.
3. Dogs in heat are not allowed off-leash.
4. Dogs must be healthy (no contagious conditions, diseases, or parasites).
5. Only dogs licensed in their home city and with an up-to-date rabies tag are permitted off leash.
6. Dogs must have the following info on their collar: dog license tag, rabies tag, home address and contact phone number.
II. Park Rules:
1. Dogs are only allowed off leash at participating parks at established hours.
2. Dogs must be on leash until they are inside the park. Keep your leash on hand at all times.
3. One dog walker may walk no more than two dogs and the dog walker must have a separate leash for each dog.
4. Aim to improve neighborhood relations and the overall condition at the parks. Sweep the parks during daylight hours to pick up litter and any missed dog waste from others.
5. Dog walkers must carry at least two waste pick-up bags per dog and must pick up and properly dispose of their dog(s) waste. Encourage others to do the same and pick up others when necessary.
6. Dog walkers must carry a flashlight during dusk or dark hours to aid finding dog waste. Car lights must switched off immediately after parking.
7. Dogs must be in sight at all times.
8. Dog walkers must fill in holes with the loam supplied at each park and report any poor or unsafe field conditions to the Melrose Park Department.
9. No barking dogs. Barking disturbs neighbors and will jeopardize the Green Dog program.
10. Dog walkers must have their dogs under control and under voice control at all times (dog responds to and obeys your verbal commands).
11. Dogs may not harass, bully, or show continued aggression towards other dogs, and must be immediately leashed and controlled from affecting others.
12. Dogs are not allowed to approach other visitors unless invited to do so. Be mindful of your dog so that other park visitors, children, and their dogs are not anxious about their safety. Many people (and sometimes other dogs) do not like unfamiliar dogs.
13. Dogs not able to obey Rules 10 - 12 must participate in a “Come When Called” training program to be allowed off leash. Contact the Melrose Canine Control Officer.
14. Check for park closed signs or crews working in the park, which means off-leash hours are suspended.
15. Check these sites for property-specific or updated Green Dogs regulations before your &
16. Report Green Dog Program violations to the Melrose Canine Control Officer. 17. Report aggressive dogs to the Melrose Police Department.
1. The trial period would be November 1 through December 31, then the program will be re-evaluated.
2. These are the proposed hours:
Common M-F (7am- 9am) M-F (7pm- 9pm) S-S (7am- 7:45am) S-S (6pm- 8pm)
Hesseltine M-F (7am- 7:45am) " " "
Franklin M-F (7am- 9am) " " "
Please click the comment link at the bottom of this post. Please include your name, and remember that this is a conversation between neighbors, so civility is much appreciated.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE SIGN YOUR POSTS! Part of the reason last night's meeting went so well was that people spoke face to face, acknowledging that they were having a conversation with neighbors and fellow citizens. On an online forum, anonymity can cause people to forget to be respectful. Also, although we are not strictly counting numbers of for/against comments, if people are not signing their posts it is hard to tell whether 10 citizens are posting or 1 citizen is posting 10 times. Thank you for your input! -Diane Kurkjian
Green Dog is a program which has been used in other cities like Melrose, where open space is limited. The Green Dog Program allows specific hours and locations for dog owners to allow their dogs off leash in designated city parks.
The Melrose Dog Society is a citizen group which was formed this year to work toward recreation options for dog owners. Please click the link in the right sidebar to get more information on Melrose Dog Society (MDS). The MDS has been working closely with the Melrose Parks Department and Melrose Canine Control to develop a draft Green Dog Proposal.PUBLIC MEETING- PROPOSED OFF-LEASH HOURSWhen: Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Where: Melrose City Hall
Aldermanic Chamber, main floor
562 Main St.
FMI: Diane Kurkjian
The purpose of this meeting will be to present a proposal to allow a trial of legal off-leash hours for dogs at the following parks: Melrose Common, Hesseltine Field and Franklin Field. Public comments will be collected to aid the Parks Commission in voting on this matter at a future date.
The Green Dog Program of Melrose could be an innovative approach to meeting our dogs’ and dog owners’ desire to have time off-leash, while sharing the spaces seamlessly with other park users in our urban community. Pending approval, the City of Melrose would conduct a pilot program at three off-leash areas across the city, with specific off-leash hours established by the Melrose Parks Commission. Dog owners are allowed to play with and train their dogs off-leash during these designated times following the program criteria and rules. The pilot program will begin on DATE and will be reassessed by the Parks Commission on DATE. The Melrose Canine Officer will monitor compliance with the Green Dogs criteria and rules, and prepare an assessment at the end of the pilot program for the Melrose Parks Commission.
The City of Melrose and the Melrose Dog Society will help promote a successful dog program. Each Green Dog Park will have a liaison that will:
· Promote, enlist and encourage others to promote a successful program.
· Answer questions and attempt to resolve issues.
· Receive and forward comments, complaints, unresolved issues, suggestions and general information from dog walkers and abutters to the Melrose Canine Control Officer and Melrose Dog Society. See contacts below.
· Report abuses to the Melrose Canine Control Officer and Melrose Dog Society.
To help ensure that our residents, visitors and dogs enjoy a quality experience, participants must meet these criteria and follow these rules. Failure to comply may jeopardize the Green Dog Program.
I. Criteria:
1. Aggressive dogs are not permitted on or off-leash.
2. Dogs must be at least four months old to participate in the program.
3. Dogs in heat are not allowed off-leash.
4. Dogs must be healthy (no contagious conditions, diseases, or parasites).
5. Only dogs licensed in their home city and with an up-to-date rabies tag are permitted off leash.
6. Dogs must have the following info on their collar: dog license tag, rabies tag, home address and contact phone number.
II. Park Rules:
1. Dogs are only allowed off leash at participating parks at established hours.
2. Dogs must be on leash until they are inside the park. Keep your leash on hand at all times.
3. One dog walker may walk no more than two dogs and the dog walker must have a separate leash for each dog.
4. Aim to improve neighborhood relations and the overall condition at the parks. Sweep the parks during daylight hours to pick up litter and any missed dog waste from others.
5. Dog walkers must carry at least two waste pick-up bags per dog and must pick up and properly dispose of their dog(s) waste. Encourage others to do the same and pick up others when necessary.
6. Dog walkers must carry a flashlight during dusk or dark hours to aid finding dog waste. Car lights must switched off immediately after parking.
7. Dogs must be in sight at all times.
8. Dog walkers must fill in holes with the loam supplied at each park and report any poor or unsafe field conditions to the Melrose Park Department.
9. No barking dogs. Barking disturbs neighbors and will jeopardize the Green Dog program.
10. Dog walkers must have their dogs under control and under voice control at all times (dog responds to and obeys your verbal commands).
11. Dogs may not harass, bully, or show continued aggression towards other dogs, and must be immediately leashed and controlled from affecting others.
12. Dogs are not allowed to approach other visitors unless invited to do so. Be mindful of your dog so that other park visitors, children, and their dogs are not anxious about their safety. Many people (and sometimes other dogs) do not like unfamiliar dogs.
13. Dogs not able to obey Rules 10 - 12 must participate in a “Come When Called” training program to be allowed off leash. Contact the Melrose Canine Control Officer.
14. Check for park closed signs or crews working in the park, which means off-leash hours are suspended.
15. Check these sites for property-specific or updated Green Dogs regulations before your &
16. Report Green Dog Program violations to the Melrose Canine Control Officer. 17. Report aggressive dogs to the Melrose Police Department.
1. The trial period would be November 1 through December 31, then the program will be re-evaluated.
2. These are the proposed hours:
Common M-F (7am- 9am) M-F (7pm- 9pm) S-S (7am- 7:45am) S-S (6pm- 8pm)
Hesseltine M-F (7am- 7:45am) " " "
Franklin M-F (7am- 9am) " " "
Please click the comment link at the bottom of this post. Please include your name, and remember that this is a conversation between neighbors, so civility is much appreciated.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE SIGN YOUR POSTS! Part of the reason last night's meeting went so well was that people spoke face to face, acknowledging that they were having a conversation with neighbors and fellow citizens. On an online forum, anonymity can cause people to forget to be respectful. Also, although we are not strictly counting numbers of for/against comments, if people are not signing their posts it is hard to tell whether 10 citizens are posting or 1 citizen is posting 10 times. Thank you for your input! -Diane Kurkjian
green dog,
Melrose Dog Society
Friday, October 2, 2009
October Found Pets
Please contact Melrose Canine Control at 781-979-4102 for further information:
- Found October 1- Large male DSH cat, solid grey with faint stripes, extra toes, corner Grove and Dell.
found cat,
lost and found
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New Dog Festival pictures
Please click on the link below to view pictures from the Dog Festival on September 19th. Many thanks to Lesley Mattuchio for taking these wonderful pictures and sharing them with us!
Here are more pictures taken by another participant:
Here are more pictures taken by another participant:
Here is a picture of the dog/owner lookalike contest. Congratulations to Barklee Huber and family!

Melrose Dog Festival
Monday, September 14, 2009
New date for Melrose Dog Festival
The Dog Festival has been rescheduled for Saturday, September 19th from 4-6 pm, at the same location, Lewis-Monk field.
Melrose Dog Festival
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Who's that handsome fellow?
Any guesses as to who that handsome dog in the header is? Find out on Saturday!
goose dogs,
Melrose pets
Friday, September 4, 2009
Melrose Dog Festival schedule
As of this updated posting, NOON Saturday, we have decided to cancel the festival for today. The Lewis-Monk Field is extremely muddy, and is unlikely to dry out by 4 pm. There are also scattered thunderstorms forecast. We are looking into rescheduling at a later date, please check back soon and watch the newspapers.
Melrose Dog Festival
Schedule of Events, September 12, 2009
Lewis-Monk Field, Tremont St.
4:00 - Festival starts. Visit booths and games. Sign up for dog show, rescue/shelter dog parade, and raffle at the info table before 5 pm.
4:30 – Agility demo- agility field
4:45 – All dog parade- all can participate, no signup needed
5:00 – Rescue/shelter Dog Parade and Dog Show begins
5:30 – Raffle drawing
5:35- 6:00 – Continue dog show, visit booths and games
6:00 - Cleanup
Games and activities: Mini-makeovers, Ask the Trainer, Rally Try-it, Agility Try-it, Snoopy Says, Musical Hoops, Egg and Spoon, Bobbing for Hotdogs
Booths: A Better Companion, Melrose Dog Society, Pristine Pooch, Animal Spirit, Favors, author Carol Katinoglou, Patriot Siberian Husky Rescue, Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue
Snack bar run by Melrose Churchill American Little League
Raffle prizes: Raffle Proceeds to benefit Melrose Humane Society
Several pet items donated by Melrose Humane Society
Prize basket donated by Animal Spirit
Signed dog cartoon items donated by artist Mark Resnick
Custom Collar and leash donated by Four Preppy Paws
Gift basket donated by Pristine Pooch
Gift Certificate for doggie daycare, donated by Pristine Pooch
Gift Certificate donated by Healthy Dog Pet Co.
Dog show categories: Largest, Smallest, Cutest, Best Wag, Best Trick, Dog/Owner Look-alike. Winners are decided by audience applause!
A special thank you to all our volunteers: Melrose Humane Society, Melrose Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Wakefield Girl Scouts, Melrose Churchill American Little League, Melrose Dog Society, A Better Companion, Melrose Health Dept. staff
For more information, please call 781-979-4102.
As of this updated posting, NOON Saturday, we have decided to cancel the festival for today. The Lewis-Monk Field is extremely muddy, and is unlikely to dry out by 4 pm. There are also scattered thunderstorms forecast. We are looking into rescheduling at a later date, please check back soon and watch the newspapers.
Melrose Dog Festival
Schedule of Events, September 12, 2009
Lewis-Monk Field, Tremont St.
4:00 - Festival starts. Visit booths and games. Sign up for dog show, rescue/shelter dog parade, and raffle at the info table before 5 pm.
4:30 – Agility demo- agility field
4:45 – All dog parade- all can participate, no signup needed
5:00 – Rescue/shelter Dog Parade and Dog Show begins
5:30 – Raffle drawing
5:35- 6:00 – Continue dog show, visit booths and games
6:00 - Cleanup
Games and activities: Mini-makeovers, Ask the Trainer, Rally Try-it, Agility Try-it, Snoopy Says, Musical Hoops, Egg and Spoon, Bobbing for Hotdogs
Booths: A Better Companion, Melrose Dog Society, Pristine Pooch, Animal Spirit, Favors, author Carol Katinoglou, Patriot Siberian Husky Rescue, Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue
Snack bar run by Melrose Churchill American Little League
Raffle prizes: Raffle Proceeds to benefit Melrose Humane Society
Several pet items donated by Melrose Humane Society
Prize basket donated by Animal Spirit
Signed dog cartoon items donated by artist Mark Resnick
Custom Collar and leash donated by Four Preppy Paws
Gift basket donated by Pristine Pooch
Gift Certificate for doggie daycare, donated by Pristine Pooch
Gift Certificate donated by Healthy Dog Pet Co.
Dog show categories: Largest, Smallest, Cutest, Best Wag, Best Trick, Dog/Owner Look-alike. Winners are decided by audience applause!
A special thank you to all our volunteers: Melrose Humane Society, Melrose Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Wakefield Girl Scouts, Melrose Churchill American Little League, Melrose Dog Society, A Better Companion, Melrose Health Dept. staff
For more information, please call 781-979-4102.
Melrose Dog Festival
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Melrose Dog needs a special home
Gunny the American Bulldog is being fostered in Melrose. To view his photo and learn more about him, please click the link.
Gunny the American Bulldog is being fostered in Melrose. To view his photo and learn more about him, please click the link.
Friday, August 7, 2009
August lost and found pets
- Found- August 5th, dark grey or black cat with white paws and chest, young female, Whitman St.
- Lost- August 17th, large male orange/beige cat, Beech Ave area. Urgent- needs medication.
- Lost- August 18th, female cat, DSH, black and white, Upham St. area.
- Lost- since about August 5th, large fluffy female cat, black and white, Lebanon St./ Linwood/Norris Ct. area.
found cat,
lost and found,
lost cat
Melrose Dog Festival- NOTE NEW DATE!
The date for the Melrose Dog Festival has been changed from what was posted in June. The new date is Saturday, September 12th, from 4-6 pm, at Lewis-Monk field. Please watch the local news outlets for more information, or call 781-979-4102.
Melrose Dog Festival
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Princess the Poodle is ready for adoption!
Princess, a Melrose dog who went to Poodle Rescue (see the post dated April 8), has finished her heartworm treatment and is ready to be adopted. To see Princess's profile and to learn about the adoption process, go to UPDATE- Pricess has been adopted!
Monday, July 6, 2009
July lost and found pets

- Found July 5, small domestic rabbit, Cottage Street area.
- Kittens found July 17th, Fellsway East near Washington St. Two black and white kittens about 3-4 months old. UPDATE: The kittens have been adopted!
- Black short-haired cat found July 27th, Melrose St.
- Grey, older cat lost from Apthorp St. area on July 27th.
- Black and white medium haired cat lost on Argyle St. on July 30th.
found cat,
found rabbit,
lost and found,
lost cat
Monday, June 29, 2009
June lost and found pets

Please contact Melrose Canine Control for further information on the following pets.
- Found Thursday June 25th on West Wyoming Ave., brown, long-haired tabby cat, intact male, no collar.
- Lost Sunday June 28th from Brown St., short-haired grey tabby cat, neutered male, no collar (see photo). FOUND!
found cat,
lost and found,
lost cat
Monday, June 1, 2009
2009 Melrose Dog Festival
Save the date! This year's Melrose Dog Festival will be held on Sunday, September 20th, from 2-5 pm, at the Lewis-Monk Field. More details to come as we plan this event. If you would like to participate or help to plan the festival, please contact Diane at 781-979-4102.
Melrose Dog Festival
Reminder- rabies clinic this Saturday, June 6th
Just a reminder that the Melrose rabies clinic is this Saturday, June 6th, from 2-4 pm, at the DPW garage at 72 Tremont St. Rabies vaccine $14, microchips $35. Melrose dog licenses will be availbale with current rabies certificate: cost is $20 for new dogs, $35 for late renewals. All pets must be leashed or in carriers.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April Found pets
- April 27- small grey tabby cat, short haired, Auburn St.
- April 27- parakeet, Brunswick Park
found bird,
found cat,
lost and found
New Melrose group- Melrose Dog Society!
A new dog owners group has formed in Melrose. Here is their description:
The Melrose Dog Society (MDS) is comprised of a group of citizens that came together with the goals of seeing a dog park realized, to promote responsible dog ownership, and to improve conditions within our city for citizens and the estimated 5,000 dogs that reside here.
For more information, please click the link to the right.
The Melrose Dog Society (MDS) is comprised of a group of citizens that came together with the goals of seeing a dog park realized, to promote responsible dog ownership, and to improve conditions within our city for citizens and the estimated 5,000 dogs that reside here.
For more information, please click the link to the right.
dog park,
Melrose Dog Society
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Please help Poodle Rescue of New England help a Melrose dog!
Meet Princess. She is an extremely sweet and playful 10 year old Mini Poodle. Princess' owner, an elderly Melrose woman, was no longer able to care for her due to her own health issues. She was turned over to us and we contacted Poodle Rescue of New England (PRNE). They immediately agreed to take her, sight unseen. They brought her to a vet, where unfortunately it was found that Princess has a heartworm infection. Many rescues would have given up on Princess at that point, because in addition to being hard on the dog, heartworm treatment is very expensive and time consuming. But, once PRNE commits to a dog, they follow through. Princess has started treatment and is doing well.
For anyone who is not familiar with how rescues work, they are truly amazing groups. Many of them specialize in a particular breed of dog or cat, or animals in a particular situation, for which the group members have a particular affinity. They are all volunteer. Rescue people give huge amounts of their own time and energy to help pets they don't even know, and they rely exclusively on donations.
I encourage anyone who would like to help Princess (and PRNE), to send a donation directly to PRNE. They accept donations via Paypal on their website: or at their mailing address: Poodle Rescue of New England, PO Box 441447, Somerville, MA 02144-0012. Please mark donations "for Princess" so that they know how generous Melrose people are!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Annual rabies clinic
The annual Melrose rabies clinic will be held on Saturday, June 6th, from 2-4 pm, at the DPW garage, 72 Tremont St. Rabies vaccine will be $14, microchips $35, licenses $20 for new dogs or $35 for late renewals. Please call 781-979-4102 for more info.
New Catmobile dates
The Catmobile (spay van) will be in Melrose on April 7th, May 19th and July 1st. Please call 888-495-SPAY to make an appointment, or click on the Merrimack River Feline Rescue link to the right for more info.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March lost pets
- March 9- small white/tan toy poodle, Main St. Malden
- March 16- Jack Russell, all white with brown ears, near Rt.99 Malden/Mt Hood area.
lost and found,
lost dog
March found pets
- Cats, two large orange tabbies, one appears injured, have been seen around the Lebanon St area for about 2 weeks.
- Cat, buff colored DMH, found on Orris St.
found cat,
lost and found
Next Dog Park meeting 3/25
The next dog park meeting will be Wednesday, March 25th at 6:30 pm, at A Better Companion, 162 Tremont St.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dog Park Meeting March 11th
The dog park meeting on March 4th went very well. Please log in to the Melrose Dog Owners Yahoo Group to get more information. The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11th, at 6:30 pm. NEW LOCATION: A Better Companion, 162 Tremont St.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Next Catmobile Spay/neuter event March 10th
The Catmobile is coming to town! On Tuesday, March 10th it will be parked at the Towers Plaza (Johnnie's Foodmaster parking lot). The spay/neuter package includes exam, spay/neuter, vaccines, microchip, deworming and flea treatment and costs just $75. Appointment required. For appointment or more information call 888-495-SPAY, or go to Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society's website:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Petsmart Grreat Choice Dog Biscuit Recall
The following is a list of dog biscuits recalled by Petsmart:
For a comprehensive lsit of all types of recalls go to: .
Information current as of 12 PM January 21, 2009 Peanut Butter Product Recall (Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak): Main Page
Note: This list includes food products subject to recall in the United States since January 2009 related to peanut butter and peanut paste recalled by Peanut Corporation of America. This list will be updated as new information is received. This information is current as of the date indicated. Once included, all food recalls will remain listed. If we learn that any information is not accurate, we will revise the list as soon as possible.
Product Description Recalling Firm Packaging Size Product Code
Extra Large Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700779
Large Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700638
Peanut Butter Petsmart 4 lb. 73725700766
Small Assorted Petsmart 32 oz. 73725702900
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 10 lb. 73725702755
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 4 lb. 73725700601
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700605
For a comprehensive lsit of all types of recalls go to: .
Information current as of 12 PM January 21, 2009 Peanut Butter Product Recall (Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak): Main Page
Note: This list includes food products subject to recall in the United States since January 2009 related to peanut butter and peanut paste recalled by Peanut Corporation of America. This list will be updated as new information is received. This information is current as of the date indicated. Once included, all food recalls will remain listed. If we learn that any information is not accurate, we will revise the list as soon as possible.
Product Description Recalling Firm Packaging Size Product Code
Extra Large Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700779
Large Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700638
Peanut Butter Petsmart 4 lb. 73725700766
Small Assorted Petsmart 32 oz. 73725702900
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 10 lb. 73725702755
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 4 lb. 73725700601
Small/Medium Assorted Petsmart 8 lb. 73725700605
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Catmobile Spay/neuter January 29th
The Catmobile is coming to town! On Thursday, January 29th it will be parked at the Towers Plaza (Johnnie's Foodmaster parking lot). The spay/neuter package includes exam, spay/neuter, vaccines, microchip, deworming and flea treatment and costs just $75. Appointment required. For appointment or more information call 888-495-SPAY, or go to Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society's website:
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Birds for adoption
The Animal Rescue League in Boston has numerous birds available for adoption, mostly cockatiels. If you are thinking about getting a bird, please consider going there. For that matter, the ARL and the MSPCA shelters have many small animals available such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc. Often people think about adopting a shelter dog or cat, but don't think of a shelter when obtaining other pets. For more information, please check out their websites in the links section.
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