Friday, January 25, 2013

Beat the Heat, low-cost cat spays in Melrose!

Must mention this ad when making appointment





***FIXED FOR $20***

In collaboration with

For full details contact the

Merrimack River Feline Rescue

Society’s Catmobile Program


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January lost and found pets

  • January 7th- found cat- male, black and white, short haired- Lebanon St. near North Mountain Ave.
  • January 7th- found cat, male, grey and white, short haired- Mt Vernon Ave., has been in the area for awhile.
  • January 19th- lost cat, male, black and white DSH- Otis St. area.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Time for your 2013 dog license!

2013 Dog Licenses

Melrose Canine Control Officer, Diane Kurkjian, would like to inform all dog owners that it is time to renew your dog licenses. All dog licenses expired on December 31, 2012. Per City ordinance, the licensing period begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.

Your dog’s rabies tag is not a license; it is given to you by your veterinarian after your dog receives a rabies vaccination. Massachusetts state law requires you to keep both the rabies tag and the license attached to your dog’s collar or harness at all times.

If your dog is lost, both tags are a source of identification allowing you to be reunited quickly with your pet.

Dog owners may bring or mail a copy of your dog’s up-to-date rabies certificate and $20 for spayed or neutered dogs, or $23 for intact dogs to the City Clerk’s office, 562 Main St., to obtain a license. Office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30-4 and Friday 8:30-12:30. After March 15, a $15 late fee will be added. Alternatively, you may use the renewal form attached to your yearly census form, which you should be receiving shortly in the mail.

Please note, if you no longer have your dog, we would appreciate a call at 781-979-4102, so that we may update our database. Thank you.