Friday, September 30, 2011

Urgent- new home or foster home needed

Good news! Sadie has found a foster home!

Will you give me a second chance?

Sadie is a 9 year old, spayed female Miniature Pinscher looking for someone to give her a second chance at life. Sadie is a loving, loyal little girl who has been my constant companion for the last nine years. Sadly due to unforseen circumstances (losing my job and losing my housing), I am being forced to find her a new forever home. Sadie is a larger-type Min Pin, she weighs 20 lbs and stands 13 inches at the shoulder. She loves sleeping in bed, under the covers, or laying at your feet. She has lived with cats and did quite well, and is living with another dog at the moment. However, typical for her breed, she can be a bit bossy with other dogs and therefore would do best as the only dog in a home, or with another submissive dog. I feel that Sadie would do best in a home with older children or no children as she does not appreciate small inquisitive fingers poking and prodding her.

Sadie is in excellent physical health, and does not act her age! She is up to date on her distemper, bordatella (kennel cough) and rabies vaccines until fall 2012. She had a physical exam and wellness bloodwork (including negative heart-worm test) completed in June and all test results were normal. I have all her medical records, as well as, a 6 month supply of Science Diet dry dog food and 12 months supply of both Frontline topical flea & tick medication and Heartgard chewable heartworm preventative for her. She has completed beginner level agility and was awarded her Canine Good Citizen Title in 2004.

I never thought that I would be forced to give up my best friend, but life is not always kind, as I have sadly realized. I love Sadie with all my heart and want to find someone who will love and cherish her as much as I do. Can you give Sadie a second chance at life?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Melrose Dog Festival - Saturday, September 10th, 4-6 pm., Lewis-Monk Field

Here is the tentative program for the dog festival. Please check back the week before the festival, as many plans are still being finalized.
Please note: there is no rain date for this event. If the event has to be cancelled, there will be an announcement in this space at 12:00 noon on Saturday.

Melrose Dog Festival
September 10, 2011, 4-6 pm.
Lewis Monk Field, Tremont St., Melrose


4:00 -Festival starts. Visit booths, try rally and agility.
Sign up for dog show at the info table before 5 pm.
Sign up for door prizes at Melrose Humane Booth before 5:45 pm.
Visit the Catmobile for info, appointments

4:15- Agility demo on agility field
4:30- Urban mushing demo on soccer field
4:45- French Ring demo on soccer field
5:00- All dog parade-all can participate, no signup needed
5:15- Dog Show begins
6:00- Door prize drawing
6:00- Festival ends, cleanup
Games and activities: Mini-MakeRovers, Agility Try-it, Rally Try-it

Booths and Participants:
Melrose Humane Society
A Better Companion
Melrose Dog Society
PetLife Pet Supplies
New England Dog Training Club
MUSH Siberian Husky Rescue
BARC Agility Club
Penny Jones, petsitter
The Canine Barkery

Snack bar proceeds to benefit the Melrose Humane Society

Dog show categories: Largest, Smallest, Cutest, Best Wag, Best Trick, Dog/Owner Look-alike.
New category: Oldest Dog (please only bring your elderly dog if they will enjoy the festival!)
Winners are decided by audience applause!

Please consider making a donation to the Humane Society. They need your generous support to continue their great community efforts!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Lost and Found Pets

  • September 1- found cat- male neutered DSH, white with tiger stripes, Washington St. See photo above. Note: we will need a foster home for this cat if his owner is not found. OWNER FOUND!
  • September 1- lost dog- Shiba Inu, red, 25 lbs., Salem St. Malden.
  • September 1- lost cat- female grey tiger DMH, Lebanon/Bellevue.
  • September 1- lost dog- small male black and white Chinese Crested Powderpuff, Lebanon St.
  • September 2- found cat- male kitten, grey and white, W. Wyoming Ave.
  • September 6- lost cat- large neutered male DSH, black and white, from north Main St. area. Found!
  • September 6- lost cat, male neutered Himalayan cat, grey and brown, Washington St. area.
  • September 7- found dog- small female pitbull, black and white, near Dunkin Donuts on Main St. See photo above. Adopted
  • September 13th- lost cat, black and cream color, Warwick Rd.
  • Still lost from August 29th- lost cat, DMH, black, grey, tan, Larchmont Rd. area. See photo above.
  • September 19- lost dog- female golden Retriever, red collar, lost from Roosevelt School area. Found!
  • September 20th- lost cat- small female DSH, grey brown and black tabby, Lynde St. area.
  • September 20th- lost cat, male white angora cat, Sargent/Franklin St.
  • September 23rd- lost cat, dark grey tiger with no white markings, Argyle St.
  • September 26th- lost cat, male DSH, grey with white bib, Malvern St.
  • September 29th- lost cat, male DSH, orange and white, Spear St.